Belle had her 15 month well visit yesterday and was a champ. She weighs 27lbs 14oz and is 32 inches tall. She's going to be taller than me when she grows up, I'm calling it now. She did well with the shots, cried (who am I kidding - screamed) until she was redressed and then happy for the rest of the day.
Bed/nap time lately involves going to sleep with at least 1 book. She reads until she falls asleep and then picks it back up when she wakes up. It's so cute to hear her over the monitor! She NEEDS her 3 blankets when she sleeps (receiving, fleece and afghan), but loves to play with them while she's awake too. Weaning her off the heavy blankets was so tough last summer, that I'm nervous about doing it again.
She loves the cat and the dog. She gets so excited every.single.time she sees them and starts yelling "kitty" and "doggy" and runs up to them and hugs them.
She's so cute!