
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

so there's this guy...

I kinda like him.

I never say enough good things about Nick. I don't. I tend to overlook (maybe even forget sometimes) all the things he does that are great, especially when I'm in a mood.
I shouldn't. I should tell him more and maybe make a list or something so I can look back and be all, 'yeah, he does take out the trash when I ask him' or 'I never wash the dinner dishes when he's home, that's pretty sweet right there' so that I can/will remember more.

So yeah, this revelation brought to you b/c...
I told J she needed a shower (she starts dance class tonight) to wash her hair, and he's got her in the tub. I didn't ask him to, and there is no unwritten rule in our home that he handles cleaning the children, but he's in there, getting her cleaned up so that tonight, I can get all the glory of watching her take her first dance class (that she's been dying to take since she could move. ok, maybe just for the past 3 or 4 months).

He does things like this a lot. The girls may not run to him first, but they know Daddy will always be there for them and I know, that he'll not only be there, he'll do a damn good job being there. He may not always say it, but you can see that when our girls smile at him, or call for him, he's in his glory.

I love watching him with the girls. Watching them test him and then being so pleased when he's passed (usually by figuring out what movie or beverage they want rightthisverysecond!) and the look on his face when he's just "got it". This parenting thing isn't as scary as he thought it would be & I love seeing him enjoy it.

oh yeah, I definitely like him. My girls have a great Daddy  :)


OH! I should probably update on Jordan & the potty. Things are better. MUCH, MUCH better.

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