You know when you have a doctors appointment and you just feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders? I had that today. I didn't have any questions about what we'd do after Norah arrived, or which hospital would be better equipped to handle her problems, or what the odds of meeting her were up to this week. I just had a normal, regular, plain 'ol prenatal visit. Ok, there were tears, but they were happy tears. My results hadn't made it over from the MFM yet so I got deliver the news about missing cystic hygroma and that was pretty great to see my dr & nurse get emotional with happy tears. These are the same women who saw me through my pregnancy with Belle and have been by my side, answering any questions I can think of during this pregnancy as well.
Oh, and, b/c the CH is gone, I do not have to schedule a primary c-section AND can deliver at my hospital! If she has a heart problem, I'll have the option to deliver elsewhere, but it won't be required like if the CH was there. HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT?!?! I'm pretty psyched about it.
In other news, I'm up a pound - or down 9 depending on how you want to look at it - so I didn't get a lecture about needing to gain weight. Norah had a strong steady heartbeat of 131 and that's about it. The office isn't go to remove the high-risk label until after the next fetal echo-cardiogram, but it looks like from here on out, my pregnancy *should* be "normal".
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